September 9 through December 16, 2018

Rodale Gallery

Puerto Rican-born, Easton-based artist Angel Suarez-Rosado will create a site-specific installation at the Allentown Art Museum. Suarez-Rosado transforms ordinary objects, imbuing them with power, in a practice related to Espiritismo (Spiritism) and Santería, which combine elements of Yoruba religion with Catholicism. Conceived of as an offering to the community and comprised of paintings, sculptures, found and natural objects, Talisman mixes ritual and artistic traditions. As stated by fellow artist Raquelín Mendieta, “Spirituality and art are one and the same. Works of art are prayers on the altar of life.”

Featured image: Angel Suarez-Rosado (American, born Puerto Rico, 1957), Cosmograms, 1995–present, oil on canvas or board, 16 x 12” each.

Angel Suarez-Rosado: Talisman is supported through the generosity of the Harry C. Trexler Trust, the Julius and Katheryn Hommer Foundation, the Century Fund, the Bernard and Audrey Berman Foundation, the Leon C. and June W. Holt Endowment, the Martin Guitar Charitable Foundation, the Rider-Pool Foundation, the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts, the National Endowment for the Arts, and the Friends of the Museum.