Through July 17, 2022
Sol LeWitt’s Wall Drawing #793A, with its arcs of vibrant color ink washes, has transformed and energized the Museum’s Trexler Hall.
LeWitt believed that the idea behind a work of art is more important than the physical artwork itself. For the last forty years of his career he explored this concept through abstract wall drawings. Each wall drawing is based on a set of written instructions by LeWitt, which are executed by a team of draftsmen. Rather than existing as a single, permanent work of art, LeWitt’s wall drawings can be adapted to a variety of architectural spaces and are intended to be temporary.
Featured image: Wall Drawing #793A: Irregular wavy color bands, India ink and color ink wash. First drawn by Maria Elena Alvarez-Calderón, Arminda Bugarin, Rodolfo Casado Orozco, Sachiko Cho, Claudio de Casas, Gonzalo de las Casas, Christhiam Fiorentino Vásquez, Carmen García Suarez, Jesús Martínez, Aurora Ortega de Torre, Pia Rodríguez Frade, Pablo San Juan, Jo Watanabe. First installation: Sala de las Alhajas, Madrid February 1996. © Estate of Sol LeWitt, 2018